a 94.7 u-fm morning program, monday-friday 6-10 am. hosted by narcist duo who deliver all (un)important things to your ears... let us scramble your morning ;)

Monday, January 30, 2006

V-N-C Prosperity UZONE

50% discount all item gitu
di outlet VNC PIM2 dan MTA
cuma sehari, rabu 01 february 2006
dari jam 10.00-15.00

dengan catatan...

pas kamu dateng ke outlet VNC PIM2 dan MTA tersebut, kamu menyebutkan "password" yang udah kita tentuin (dengerin di UFM dari sore (senin 30 jan) sampe selasa 31 jan 2k6 all day all night long...
(pas kamu sebutin passwordnya, VNC & UFM akan kasih kamu tanda khusus bahwa kamu dapetin discount 50% untuk smua item di outlet VNC... Wuuuaaaaaaaa...)

gimana? udah siap dung berburu di VNC Prosperity UZONE yang cuma 5 jam itu?

Sampai bertemu dengan tim pagi di outlet VNC terdekat ;)

ps. sssttt.. passwordnya "Gong Xi Fa ZONE" hihihi (diem2 yah...)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

ASTROLOGICAL-U (23 Jan. 2006)

Bulan Kelahiran = Kepribadian-mu

JANUARY * Ambitious and serious, Loves to teach and be taught, Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses, Likes to criticize, Hardworking and productive, Smart, neat, and organized, Sensitive and has deep thoughts, Knows how to make others happy, Quiet unless excited or tensed, Romantic but has difficulties expressing love, Loves children, Homely person, Loyal, Needs to improve social abilities, Easily jealous.

FEBRUARY * Abstract thoughts, Intelligent and clever, Temperamental, Quiet, shy and humble, Low self esteem, Honest and loyal, Determined to reach goals, Loves freedom, Rebellious when restricted, Loves aggressiveness, Too sensitive and easily hurt, Showing anger easily, Dislike unnecessary things, Loves making friends but rarely shows it, Daring and stubborn, Ambitious, Realizing dreams and hopes, Sharp, Loves entertainment and leisure, Romantic on the inside not outside, Learns to show emotions.

MARCH * Attractive personality, Affectionate, Secretive, Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic, Loves peace and serenity, Sensitive to others, Loves to serve others, Not easily angered, Trustworthy, Appreciative and returns kindness, Revengeful, Loves to dream and fantasize, Loves traveling, Loves attention, Loves home decors, Musically talented, Loves special things, Moody.

APRIL * Active and dynamic, Attractive and affectionate to oneself, Strong mentality, Loves attention, Diplomatic, Friendly and solves people's problems, Brave and fearless, Adventurous, Loving and caring, Emotional, Revengeful, Aggressive, Good memory, Motivate oneself and the others, Sickness usually of the head and chest, Easily get too jealous.

MAY * Stubborn and hard-hearted, Strong-willed and highly motivated, Sharp thoughts, Easily angered, Attracts others and loves attention, Deep feelings, Beautiful physically and mentally, Easily influenced, Needs no motivation, Loves to dream, Understanding, Sickness usually in the ear and neck, Good imagination, Good debating skills, Good physical, Weak breathing, Loves literature and the arts, Loves traveling, Dislike being at home, Hardworking, High spirited

JUNE * Thinks far with vision, Easily influenced by kindness, Polite and soft-spoken, Having lots of ideas, Sensitive, Tends to delay, Choosy and always wants the best, Temperamental, Funny and humorous, Loves to joke, Good debating skills, Talkative, Knows how to make friends, Able to show character, Easily hurt, Prone to getting colds, Loves to dress up, Easily bored, Seldom show emotions, Takes time to recover when hurt, Stubborn, Those who loves me are enemies Those who hates me are friends

JULY * Fun to be with, Secretive, Quiet unless excited or tensed, Has reputation, Easily consoled, Honest, Concern about people's feelings, Tactful, Friendly, Approachable, Very emotional, Temperamental and unpredictable, Moody and easily hurt, Sentimental, Not revengeful, Forgiving but never forgets, Caring and loving, Treats others equally, Strong sense of sympathy

AUGUST * Loves to joke, Attractive, Brave and fearless, Firm and has leadership qualities, Too generous and egoistic, Thirsty for praises, Extraordinary spirit, Easily angered, Angry when provoked, Easily jealous Careful and cautious, Thinks quickly, Independent thoughts, Loves to lead and to be led, Loves to dream, Talented in the arts, music and defense, Sensitive but not petty Poor resistance against illnesses, Learns to relax, Romantic, Loving and caring, Loves to make friends

SEPTEMBER * Careful, cautious and organized, Likes to point out people's mistakes, Likes to criticize, Quiet but able to talk well, Calm and cool, Kind and sympathetic, Concerned and detailed, Trustworthy, loyal and honest, Does work well, Sensitive, Good memory, Clever and knowledgeable, Loves to look for information, Must control oneself when criticizing, Able to motivate oneself, Understanding, Secretive, Loves sports, leisure and traveling, Hardly shows emotions, Tends to bottle up feelings, Choosy especially in relationships, Loves wide things, Systematic.

OCTOBER * Loves to chat, Attractive and suave, Inner and physical beauty, Does not lie or pretend, Sympathetic, Treats friends importantly, Always making friends, Easily hurt but recovers easily, Bad tempered, Selfish, Seldom helps unless asked, Does not care of what others think, Emotional, Decisive, Strong clairvoyance, Loves to travel, the arts and literature, Soft-spoken, loving and caring, Romantic, Touchy and easily jealous, Concerned, Loves outdoors, Just and fair, Easily lose confidence

NOVEMBER * Has a lot of ideas, Thinks forward, Unique and brilliant, Extraordinary ideas, Sharp thinking, Careful and cautious, Dynamic in personality, Secretive, Knows how to dig secrets, Always thinking, Brave and generous, Patient, Stubborn and hard-hearted, If there is a will, there is a way, Determined, Never give up, Hardly become angry unless provoked, Loves to be alone, Thinks differently from others, Does not appreciates praises, High-spirited, Well-built and tough, Deep love.

DECEMBER * Loyal and generous, Impatient and hasty, Ambitious, Influential in organizations, Fun to be with, Loves to socialize, Loves praises, Loves attention, Loves to be loved, Honest and trustworthy, Not pretending, Short tempered, Changing personality, Not egoistic, Takes high pride in oneself, Hates restrictions, Loves to joke, Good sense of humor, Logical.
*Nonita Hatsumomo, Jan, 24th, 2006

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

durex a-tex

sebagai pemakai atau calon pemakai (hihihi...) harus kenal dulu dong sama apa yang (mau) dipakai...

ngobrol bareng durex yuk...
lebih tau tentang kesehatan alat reproduksi, fungsi dan guna dari kondom dan juga hal-hal seru lainnya... (seperti cara memakaikan, hihihihi;p)
hari rabu, 18 januari 2006, jam 5-6 sore di secret closet bareng achy...

secara ya... kalo ngobrolnya di siaran pagi, yg ada odit dan imam jadi tergoda untuk memakai durex... (hahaha.. same sapeeee???)

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Everyone has a competitive side in them. Butuh eksistensi, pembuktian terhadap sebuah hal. Pembuktian bahwa dirinya cantik, ganteng, bersuara bagus, punya keahlian di bidang yang lain. Bener dong, daripada narciss ngga jelas kaya Imam dan Odit, mendingan narsis yang diakui. Sukur2 dapet hadiah. Kadang2, lomba2 eksistensi itu kalo diinget-inget lagi bisa menjadi sebuah A-I-B . Are you one of them? Kita mulai dari Imam dan Odit yang (tentunya) banci lomba ‘n banci tampil dari sono-nya...

Imam :
Finalis Coverboy Mode ’91 dan Finalis Cowok TIRA tahun ‘96
Odit :
Lomba Wajah Bersih Clearasil di tahun ’89. (Katanya sih, temen2nya yang maksa, tapi ngga yakin juga. Banci tampil gitu loohh) Dan Odit berhasil masuk hanya sampai 20 besar, karena (katanya) tanda2 chubby itu sudah nampak sejak dulu. Of course, may the slim be the winner hehee...!!
Nonita Hatsumomo, sang produser :
Lomba Putri Matahari!!! Whattt? Biasalah, namanya juga orang daerah, gede si Solo! Matahari Dept. Store kan eksis banget...
Jane :
Ikutan kejuaraan Pop Singer waktu gw masih di tinggal di Irian… Lagu wajibnya, lagunya Diana Ross, yang When You Tell Me That You Love me…
Gadis Sunsilk, dapet hadiah hiburan Walkman
Putri Flora, baju gue dihiasi bunga2 hidup &mesti tau keanekaragaman kekayaan flora di Indonesia.
Lomba berbusana “Back to 60’s” dan gue juara 1. dapet hadiah 400 ribu. Pastinya gue pake celana cutbray 3 warna
Putra-Putri Solo… Lumayan banget. Dulu hadiahnya tikep P.P. Singapore. 3 hari penjurian full konde.
Gadis Elektronik tahun ’91. Pameran di Balai Sidang. Gue harus tau kegunaan barang2 elektronik dan jalan di catwalk.
Putri Yamaha! Gue harus pose di samping motor Yamaha!!
Bahana Suara Pelajar, lagunya : Bukit Berbunga
Waktu gue tinggal di Madiun, gue pernah menang Mini Skirt Contest di Fire Diskotik Madiun
Putri Perahu Jeans di Cihampelas Bandung. Aduh, yang nonton banyak banget dan gue pake celana pendek jeans sobek2. Gimana menurut loe?
Putri Krakatau, jadi duta pariwisata Lampung, khususnya buat pulau Krakatau

Oke, one note to all of you ex Putri, Duta, Singer or whatever competition you’ve been through. Well, semua orang memang punya A-I-B dalam hidupnya. Tapi berbanggalah, karena AIB yang elo punya itu adalah salah satu prestasi dalam hidup elo yang ngebuat beda sama orang lain, ya gak!!?
Just make sure, don’t ever let your friends see one picture of you joining that kind of competition. Daripada diketawain, hahahaaa!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

ini buat kamu...

u make me smile, glow & shine
u make me glad to be alive
with love it's easy to survive...
the girl that i lost when i was blue
has confirmed my heart grows stronger when there's u

coz u make me smile, u make me smile...

true love won't find a better way
fake love best plan its getaway
new love won't find a better place to stay

the woman that i love u always knew
my heart loves longer and stronger when there's u

coz u make me smile, u make me smile...

the color of my blood is truly justified
that was me, it was me, i never lied
my blood flows through u and my heart goes to u when u cried...

it's no good to bluff or never wonder why
who to be, who to be, i've never tried...
it's enough to know u and to love u baby is my pride...
loving u forever is a must and from now on my love will never be denied...

coz u make me smile
u make me smile
u make me smile...

u make me smile...
your lovely smile...

(smile - simply red - simplified)

(sumpah, kalo lagu ini dipasang, monitor ruang siaran digedein, imam dan odit bikin video klip terpisah, masing2 dengan bayangan dan khayalannya, kepada siapa lagu ini mereka dedikasiin... hihihi...)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

ZODIAC = Your Fashion Profile

Monday, Jan. 2nd, 2005
Wants to be first in everything. This means you probably know, up to the minute, all about the current trends in fashion.
· Not afraid to try new things, as long as they appeal to your sense of fun and adventure, you'll wear the most daring of styles.
· You're not afraid to spend your hard-earned cash to be the first to have 'the look.'
· Prefers the colors of black and red clothing

You're a label snob the likes of which any designer would be proud.
· Price is no object
· Trends and fashion are not the most important part of your wardrobe.
· Their best feature is often the neck. Classy chokers and necklaces look marvelous on you.
· You will stick to your browns, beiges and khakis. With your sense of fashion, you will never be underdressed for any occasion, and you will always look good.

You follow trends halfheartedly because you become bored with them quickly.
· You probably don't care about, or even look at, what the label on your new garment says, as long as you like the way it looks and feels.
· You may do well in tank tops to show off your arms, and you can never go wrong with blue denim
· Experimental Gemini is willing to try anything once, but your hair is usually pretty simple, with only twin braids to bring out your inner nature.

Almost as attached to clothing as you are to your loved ones
· You always keep an air of femininity about your wardrobe.
· One of the only things you spend haphazardly on is lingerie, from sports bras to sultry nighties.
· Pearls are a favorite, and any shade of green is a pleasure to don.
· You might not even own a blow dryer, preferring to let your hair dry naturally and hang down over your shoulders.

Wants the best of everything.
· If a garment is out of your budget, it must be yours. Price tags and labels rule what you buy.
· You could never be seen in public wearing anything but top quality.
· Comfort comes last in your book.
· Business suits are for the workplace, and you wear them well, but in your own time you prefer flowing, elegant garments, custom tailored to your shape.
· You excel at wearing flashy, pricey jewelry. Favorite colors are gold, bronze and orange.
· Leo knows how to dress for success.

Price is important when you're picking out this season's wardrobe.
· The outfits you buy are simple, tailored to fit and will last a lifetime.
· You fit in naturally with every season's trend.
· Natural colors and fabrics in browns and beiges fit you just fine.
· Not given to wearing much jewelry

You know everything in there works, the trick is to decide which one works best today.
· When your paycheck comes, you go shopping, and darn any price tag that gets in your way.
· Everything you wear is balanced, from your choice of color to the distance between the pinstripes on your suit.
· Jewelry, too, only serves to highlight your best features.
· Libra loves to shop, and it shows.

· The always sexy Scorpion is hard to categorize.
· One day you could be sleek in the latest look, but the next you're kicking back in something romantic and flowy.
· You follow trends as long as they suit you, but you're no slave to fashion.
· You'll either wear a lot of jewelry or no jewelry at all.
· Scorpio is a master of disguise. You could wear makeup like a mask, or take it all off so those around you think you're revealing the bare truth. Your hidden, or not so hidden passion, is silky, sensual undergarments in black or red.

· Not big on fashion, and not really caring about making a statement
· you dress in comfortable clothes that allow freedom of movement and can handle the rugged nature of your existence.
· concentrating instead on letting them in on the inner levels of your knowledge.
· Makeup is a pain and jewelry just gets in the way, broken or lost, so you simply don't wear any.
· Strong colors, particularly navy blue, lifts your spirits, but you rarely bother to match your clothing.

· More comfortable in business suits than sweats.
· There's no snob in your nature to stop you from going straight for the bargain rack and looking for the best the sales stickers have to offer.
· All your clothing is practical. It may not be the latest cut, but it still looks good enough to let your business associates know that you're serious about your career.
· What you save on clothes, you splurge on accessories. Your jewelry is simple, but expensive.
· You prefers browns, beiges and khaki.
· Your hair is not a big issue, as long as it's short, attractive and can be styled in less than five minutes.

Thrift stores suit you much better, where you can get the most interesting clothes at the least damage to your pocketbook.
· You keep up with trends in your own way. You don't buy the new retro fashions, rather you find clothing from the time that this retro was new.
· You always have one jump on the next trend, whether or not it finds its way into popular culture.
· The makeup you wear is bright, fun and completely cruelty free.

Most at home barefoot, in long, flowing skirts
· Clothes are, in fact, a social construct. You know you can't wander about naked, though, so you go to bargain stores and thrift shops to get yours.
· Once you get past the hang-up of having something on your feet, you're prone to buying tons of shoes, so at least your toes can have some variety in their prison.
· Pisces is a chameleon, however, so wherever you go and whatever you do, you never need to worry about fitting in.